
This page is to encourage you to make a commitment to praying for the present and future of someone else. Imagine the change we could make in the lives of those around us if we just took time out each week to intercede on the behalf of a fellow sister, friend, family member, co-worker, or child. I ask that you look at the few ways below in which you can adopt someone in prayer this year. I also ask that you share this page with others because in Unity we can increase our impact!

Adopt a Sister

I don’t know about you but I have needed the prayers of my grandmother, mother, and friends to get me through some tough days and nights. Imagine not having family much less a praying family. Imagine not having genuine girlfriends, you know the type that pray for you and uplift you. That’s why I’m writing, to encourage you to adopt a sister!

Scroll down your friends list, check your contacts, or think about a woman you have encountered. Is there someone you know that could use a prayer? Is there someone who doesn’t have anyone in their circle who knows Jesus and the blessing of that connection?

My dear, now is the time. Now is the time to intercede on behalf of her. Pray for her present and pray for her future. Cover her mind, cover her heart, cover her actions. Pray over the future generations in her family. We have all needed a few prayers and those prayers have truly kept us.

Let’s pass it on! 

**If you are the sister that needs a praying sister please leave me a message on my Contact page. See link below!

Adopt a Co-Worker

I know that most of us can say we have had a difficult co-worker at one time during the course of our career. One that made working with her a challenge. I say to you why not pray blessings for her?

Maybe you have never had a challenging co-worker, but you have a friend on your job that is amazing, but does not have a relationship with Christ! Why not pray for opportunities for her to encounter His love.

I am encouraging you today to identify one or two present or former co-workers and pray. Pray for their salvation. Pray for their attitude. Pray for their peace of mind. Pray blessings upon them. Ask God to show you how to walk in love towards them and provide you with opportunities to love on them.

Let’s pass it on!

Adopt a Daughter

There are so many children around this world in need of something be it food, clothing, shelter, love, safety, family, etc. You may not be able to personally impact every child but you can impact one.

Please consider adopting a daughter through prayer. When I see a child/teen, I often wonder if anyone is praying or interceding on behalf of this child’s well being? Is anyone praying for her future? Is there anyone interceding for her purpose? Is there anyone speaking life over her?

We encounter so many children on a daily basis; on our jobs, in the super market, at our church, during a weekly neighborhood walk, on the television, or in friendship with our children, or simply in passing.

In your quiet time I am asking that you pray for that child. Lets pray for protection, hope, courage, and salvation. Let’s pray for her education, that she would excel in every area. Let’s pray for her purity. Let’s intercede for her home life and the positive impact her life will have on her family.

Let’s pass it on!

I would love to know that you are choosing to adopt a Sister, Co-Worker, or Daughter. Leave a reply below indicating you are joining the Adoption bandwagon! I will regularly be praying for us as we pray for others! Feel free to do the same. Blessings

10 thoughts on “Adoption

    1. I love this Amanda! We won’t fully know the impact of our prayers for others but God does. He instructs us to pray for one another and it pleases Him. Thanks for partnering with me to pray for others! We can all use prayer 💜


    1. Holly thank you for partnering with your sisters in prayer! That’s our hope is to pray for people God lays on our heart. So glad you see the vision💗🌸. Thanks


  1. Candace, Thank You so much for creating this beautiful forum that we can join together in Prayer for Others and One Another ❤️! I actually have a list of several Women that I’m choosing to lift up in Prayer! It is God’s Will that we Pray for our Brothers and Sisters daily! 🙏🏾 God Bless everyone reading, sharing, posting and praying daily. Amen 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love this and your heart for others just shows through your comment. So excited for your willingness to partner and intercede for several ladies! Even if you don’t know or see the full impact, your prayers are working in their favor. May God bless you ❤️☺️


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